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The City of Colorado Springs Stormwater Enterprise is wrapping up a project near the Citadel Mall designed to alleviate long-standing flash flooding concerns at the intersection of North Chelton Road and Santa Rosa Street. What started as a City Stormwater project quickly evolved into a larger collaborative project with Colorado Springs Utilities and City Traffic Engineering to both reduce persistent flooding and improve aging infrastructure.
The project, which began in February, made several improvements to the intersection and surrounding area. Over the last eight months crews worked to replace the outdated storm system by installing over 20 new storm inlets and more than 1,500 feet of new storm pipe.

Work under the surface included rehabilitation and replacement of deteriorating water, sewer and gas utility mains by Colorado Springs Utilities.
This intersection has been on the City’s radar for years because of its inefficient drainage system. It was identified as a high priority project in our Inter-Governmental Agreement with Pueblo to fund stormwater improvements that help both Colorado Springs residents and downstream communities. Partnering with Colorado Springs Utilities and the Traffic Engineering Division to replace outdated infrastructure saved both taxpayer and ratepayer dollars, and reduced the length of construction if each project were completed separately