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Property Records - Public Search

To view property ownership information, find your Tax Schedule Number (TSN), property legal descriptions, taxation entities, recent sale history and other valuable valuation information for property within El Paso County, view the El Paso County Assessor's Public Record Property Search.

Subdivision Document Viewer

If you want to view a copy of the plat of your neighborhood to, for example, see what the easements
may be on your property, and after you have found your property’s legal description on the El Paso
County Assessor’s Public Record Property Search (previous link on this page), follow this link to the
City’s Subdivision Document Viewer:

Here are the directions to locate a copy of your plat:
  1. Select either “starts with” or “contains” (for the name of the plat);
  2. Enter the name, or a part of, the plat (Tip: less is more);
  3. Drop down the “document type” and select “plat”.
  4. Click on the search button.
Locate the exact name of the plat. Scroll through pages, if necessary.
Note that ALL City plats may not be included. Contact Real Estate Services for further assistance.

Property Tax Statements

Please contact the El Paso County Treasurer or (719) 520-7900 for any questions regarding property taxes, or you can go to their Real Estate Property Tax Search.

Find a Realtor

Are you looking for a realtor to help you buy or sell a home?  You may contact the Pikes Peak Association of Realtors or by phone at (719) 633-7718.

Realtor Complaints

To file a complaint against a Realtor, contact the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) or at 1-800-886-7675.

Pikes Peak Regional Building Department

For information on building permits, contractors, addressing services, etc., the Pikes Peak Regional Building Department can be reached at (719) 327-2880.

Code Violations

To report violations to City Code, such as weeds, trash, homeless issues, complaints about rental properties, you may contact the City's Code Enforcement Department at (719) 444-7891.

Sidewalk Issues

Do you know of a sidewalk in need of repair?  Contact the City's Streets Division at (719) 385-5411.

Landlord/Tenant Issues

Colorado Housing Connects

Phone: 1-844-926-6632