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About 2C

The 2C Road Improvement is a voter-approved sales tax, serving as the main source for rebuilding and improving the condition of our existing roadway infrastructure in Colorado Springs.

The sales tax revenues apply only to roads and adjacent concrete. Approximately half of those revenues are dedicated to sidewalks, curbs and gutters. This concrete work protects streets and enhances accessibility.

Since the 2C program started in 2016, the number of our roads in “good” condition has nearly doubled and the number of citizen pothole complaints have gone down by more than 50%.

2C has allowed the City to repave more than 1,600 lane miles, install more than 9,400 new and retrofitted pedestrian ramps, and replace almost 306 miles of curb and gutter and 3.6 million square feet of sidewalk.

Story Map

Learn more about 2C’s impact on our roadway network, how it saves taxpayers money through preventative maintenance, and reduces potholes throughout the City.

Learn more about 2C

Quick Stats and Paving Lists

2024 2C Statistics

(As of December 31, 2024)

  • Repaved 165 lane miles
  • Replaced more than 308,487 linear feet, or 58 miles, of curb and gutter
  • Replaced 535,204 square feet of sidewalk
  • Installed 285 new pedestrian ramps
  • Retrofitted 809 existing pedestrian ramps

2C Cumulative Statistics

(As of December 31, 2024)

  • Repaved 1,792 lane miles
  • Replaced 1,924,334 linear feet of curb and gutter
  • Replaced 4,300,603 square feet of sidewalk
  • Installed 2,164 new pedestrian ramps
  • Retrofitted 8,546 existing pedestrian ramps

2C paving map

This map highlights roadways on the 2021-2024 paving list, as well as proposed paving for 2025-2027. Specific addresses may be typed in to see which roads have been paved in your neighborhood. You can also view which roads have been paved in every year since 2016.

2021-2027 Paving map (full screen)

More from 2C

2C Advisory Committee

The 2C Advisory Committee was formed in November 2015 to consult with the City’s Public Works Department regarding the implementation of the ballot measure 2C. The Mayor’s 2C Advisory Committee includes four experts from the community as well as two City Council members. 

Learn more


Interactive Tools Online Help Drivers Navigate Construction 

The City of Colorado Springs has a a data-sharing partnership with Waze, a free, real-time crowd sourced navigation app. Waze, the GoCOS App and the Cone Zone map are three ways drivers can find information about location and impact of road construction on their routes and across the city.  

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8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday