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What does it mean to “leave no trace”? And why does it matter? Hear from one of our city’s awesome park rangers about keeping our favorite parks, trails and open spaces in top shape. She’ll also reveal a famous figure behind this effort, specifically at the Manitou Incline.

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More from Behind the Springs

Episode 54: Meet the new Colorado Springs Fire Chief

Randy Royal has been working at the Colorado Springs Fire Department for more than three decades and now he’s the new leader. Hear about his background, his plans for the future and his wise words about this year’s wildfire danger!

Listen to episode 54 | Watch episode 54

Episode 53: Brothers make history in COS

In this episode, you’ll hear from Robert and Arthur Sapp, two brothers raised in Colorado Springs. They both joined the Colorado Springs Police Department and became the first black sergeant (Robert) and first black lieutenant (Arthur) on the department. Interesting fact: the first black police office was one of the founding members of the department in 1887. Join us for some local history, great stories and Arthur’s thoughts on police department diversity, recruitment and training today. 

Listen to episode 53 | Watch episode 53

Episode 52: Diversity Discussion

We have two guests, both devoted to promoting diversity in Colorado Springs, but in different ways. Meet these city employees and hear about what they’re doing to achieve their goals on our city team and in the community. Just as importantly, find out what YOU can do to promote diversity and learn more about our local history!

Listen to episode 52 | Watch episode 52

Episode 51: Checking in with the mayor

From the latest on local COVID-19 vaccinations to the new summit house on top of Pikes Peak … hear what Mayor Suthers has to say about our community’s recovery and what he’s looking forward to this year!

Listen to episode 51 | Watch episode 51

Episode 50: Vaccine distribution

This episode will help you better understand how the COVID-19 vaccine is being distributed in our community and why it has a lot to do with supply versus demand. Hear the latest from Dr. Johnson, including how people can get more information and be connected to local providers. We’re nearing the finish line, but there’s more work to be done … by all of us.

Listen to episode 50 | Watch episode 50