On February 14, 2023, the City Council adopted the Unified Development Code (UDC) as part of the RetoolCOS project. The new UDC will not go into effect until June 5, 2023; however, applicants have the opportunity to "opt-in" to utilizing new regulations for applications. The UDC Implementation Policy below outlines this process and applicants must include the signed Opt-In Form with their submittal (below). For questions, please contact the case planner or call 719-385-5905.
- Wireless Communication Facility (See also: Telecommunications and Macro Cell Towers)
- Eligible Facilities Request
- Small Cell Facility Application and Checklist
Variances and Adjustments
Forms & Permits
Zoning, Legal Non-Conforming, Rebuilding, and Compliance Inspection Letters
Zoning and compliance letters provide formal documentation of existing planning documents, applicable zoning code, and verify compliance with the Unified Development Code (UDC). This type of document can highlight components of the zoning code or relevant entitlements important to lenders, appraisers, contractors, and other professionals.
Note, zoning and compliance letters are not intended to provide interpretations or perform calculations based on the contents of the UDC or approved entitlements, rather, they are meant to provide official verification on specific aspects of real property. As well, any information regarding violations must be obtained from the following sources:
- Zoning Code Violations from Neighborhood Services at (719) 444-7891;
- Building Code Violations from Pikes Peak Regional Building at (719) 327-2880;
- Fire Code Violations from the Colorado Springs Fire Department at (719) 385-5978
To request any of the below zoning and compliance letter types, please create an account and submit a request via our electronic submittal software.
Zoning Verification Letter
There are multiple types of zoning and compliance letters, but the Zoning Verification Letter (ZVL) is most common. This document verifies zoning on a specific parcel or parcels, any existing uses on the property, information relating to the parcel’s legal description and subdivision information, as well as additional information requested from the applicant. A letter typically takes around 5 business days to compose.
The fee for a Zoning Verification Letter is $50.
Zoning Verification Letter with Inspection
This is the same Zoning Verification Letter mentioned above with additional information ascertained from a site inspection. This often includes verification of parking counts, parking ADA standards, and compliance with any landscaping standards required in the entitlement process, though it can provide any reasonable information additionally requested by the applicant.
The fee for a Zoning Verification Letter with Inspection is $225.
Zoning Verification Letter for Tow Yards
This document verifies zoning on a specific parcel or parcels, indicates whether an entitlement showing a tow-yard on the site plan has been approved, and whether the use of Automotive Storage Yard is permitted in the zone district. This letter is commonly requested when seeking approval for Rotation Tow contracts through the Colorado Springs Police Department.
To request, create an application for a standard Zoning Verification letter and indicate in the description that that the request is for a Tow Yard ZVL.
The fee for a Zoning Verification Letter for Tow Yards is $50.
Legal Non-Conforming Determination Letter
This document verifies zoning on a specific parcel or parcels, any existing uses on the property, information relating to the parcel’s legal description and subdivision information, a legally non-conforming statement as well as additional information requested from the applicant. The legally non-conforming statement provides a determination on whether an existing use is (1) permitted in a given zone district, (2) not permitted in a given zone district and sufficient evidence does not exist to confirm that it has been legally established, or (3) not permitted in a given zone district but sufficient evidence does exist to confirm that the use was established legally under a previously established zoning code. For a legally non-conforming use determination, the following information and evidence must be submitted to substantiate one (1) of the following circumstances is true:
- Show that the use was begun or the building constructed within the City limits before 1952; or,
- Show that the use was begun or the building constructed inside the City limits after 1952 and the zoning regulations in effect at the time of permitted use of the building. In the case of non-conforming building types, i.e. garage within a required setback, show that the building was lawfully constructed or converted with an approved building permit; or,
- Show that the use was begun or the building was lawfully constructed outside the City limits before annexation and conformed to the El Paso County zoning regulations existing at that time. In the case of a non-conforming building type, i.e. garage within a required setback, show that the building was lawfully constructed or converted with an approved building permit.
The fee for a legal non-conforming determination letter is $50.
Rebuild Determination Letter
This document verifies zoning on a specific parcel or parcels, any existing uses on the property, information relating to the parcel’s legal description and subdivision information, a rebuild statement as well as additional information requested from the applicant. The rebuild statement provides a determination on whether an existing structure or structures can or cannot be rebuilt as currently exists pursuant to current UDC regulations in the event that the structure is completely destroyed. Prior building permits, entitlement history, and aerial imagery are all documents used to establish this determination but surveyed documents can be reviewed if stamped by a license surveyor and submitted to staff.
The fee for a rebuild letter is $50.