We just wrapped up an amazing Hot Spot Week full of fun and educational events all focused on lessening our impacts in our parks and open spaces. Thanks to everyone who participated! Our outdoor spaces are one of the things that make Colorado Springs the best place to live, work, and play. Together we can keep them beautiful by leaving no trace.

Our parks are loved by humans and dogs alike! Over the week, we held 15 events and activities, and provided Leave No Trace education to more than 430 people and 250 furry friends.

Some members of City staff showed up to participate in the Leave No Trace Mountain Bike Ride on Sunday. They say they didn’t color coordinate on purpose, but we’re not so sure.

A Leave No Trace outreach booth at Yucca Flats in Palmer Park, promoting responsible recreation and inviting park visitors to participate in outdoor ethics trivia. The Guardians of Palmer Park led a trail restoration project near the Lazy Land pavilion.

Final event at Storybook Brewing to close the book on the 2021 Leave No Trace Hot Spot Week. We are ready for a new chapter of stewardship in Colorado Springs!
More about Hot Spot Week
The Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Department works with the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics to reduce outdoor impacts and promote responsible recreation in our parks, open spaces, and trails.
Thi year, Colorado Springs was chosen as a Hot Spot by the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics. The city was one of ten Hot Spots selected nationwide to participate in this year’s education program. The team focused on lessening impacts in Palmer Park and Stratton Open Space. The Leave No Trace Team worked with rangers from the City’s Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services department as well as local park and recreation advocates to provide area visitors, land managers, volunteers and the local community with information, service work and education that reduces outdoor impacts and promotes responsible recreation.
Sponsors and Partners
- Aiken Audubon Society
- Cool Science
- Fossil Craft Beer Company
- Fountain Creek Brewshed Alliance
- Guardians of Palmer Park
- Hiking Bob
- Incline Friends
- Kinship Landing
- Manitou Brewing Company
- Medicine Wheel Trail Advocates
- Pikes Peak – America’s Mountain
- Red Leg Brewing Company
- Rocky Mountain Field Institute
- Storybook Brewing