Workshop participants are asked to attend the full session and register in advance at ColoradoSprings.gov/WestsideCommunityCenter. Community participation is highly encouraged. The workshop will open with welcoming remarks, introductions and light refreshments. Participant discussion will follow starting at approximately 10 a.m. There will then be a lunch break from noon-1 p.m. Recommendations will be refined from 1-3 p.m.
The workshop will be run by a professional and independent facilitator. During the workshop, insights from the first two phases of the public participation process, an online survey and focused conversations, will be shared and expanded upon by attendees. Public input collected through this process will be shared with City officials who will use it to help inform next steps for the center.
Background information
The City’s operational contract with the Center for Strategic Ministry (CSM) expires on May 31. CSM is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that has operated the community center since the Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Department first sought an external operator in 2010 as a response to budgetary constraints. In March 2022, the City cancelled its request for proposal (RFP) following CSM’s withdrawal from the process, and the procurement evaluation resulting in no additional qualified proposers. The City began the process to find a new operator in November 2020.
Starting June 1, the Westside Community Center will run on a revised schedule, operating Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. The center will be funded by the remaining balance from the City’s operational contract. This allows current food services to continue, including the food pantry, Meals on Wheels and senior meals, plus other programming.
Meeting information
What Community design workshop for the Westside Community Center
When Saturday, May 21 from 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Where Westside Community Center, 1628 W Bijou Street, unless capacity through registration is exceeded
RSVP Online registration is required; participants are asked to attend the full session
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, the City of Colorado Springs will not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities. Should you require an auxiliary aid and/or service to participate in an upcoming meeting, please submit your request as soon as possible but no later than 48 hours before the scheduled monthly meeting. Captioning services are available for online meetings. Citizens may submit requests for accommodations by emailing vanessa.zink@coloradosprings.gov or contacting the Communications Office at 719-385-5447. Dial 711 or 800-659-3656 for Relay Colorado.