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The City of Colorado Springs has received a “Safe Streets and Roads for All” grant from the US Department of Transportation to fund a citywide traffic safety action plan to reduce roadway deaths and serious injuries. 

As identified in the City’s ConnectCOS transportation master plan approved by City Council earlier this year, this safety action plan will help to advance the goal of increased safety for all users in the transportation system. The City will use a data-driven approach to intersection and roadway safety by reviewing and analyzing specific needs.

“We all want safe streets for ourselves and our families,” said City Traffic Engineer Todd Frisbie. “This grant will help the City create a comprehensive traffic safety plan with projects and polices informed by data, best practices and community priorities.”  

This safety action plan will engage a diverse group of stakeholders and evaluate a wide range of strategies with the goal of reducing fatal and serious injury crashes. The City’s grant of $280,000 is supplemented by a $70,000 City match.  

Colorado Springs was one of several municipalities and counties statewide to receive the federal grant.   

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