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Phased rollout planned for Class 1 e-bikes on City of 
Colorado Springs’ trails

A photo of a person riding an e-bike

Effective July 1 2025, the City of Colorado Springs will implement a phased rollout of Class 1 e-bikes on select urban, regional, and open space trails. Following an ordinance adopted by City Council, Class 1 e-bikes, which require pedaling for battery assistance up to 20 mph, will be classified as non-motorized use.

The Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department (PRCS) emphasizes safety and education in this initiative, which includes creating rules and regulations for e-bike use. Class 2 and Class 3 e-bikes and all other motorized devices will still be prohibited on all City of Colorado Springs trails.

Educational opportunities and enforcement measures will be established, including signage at trailheads to inform users about eligible areas for Class 1 e-bikes. A detailed map of urban and regional trails will also be available on this page prior to July 1. 

Phase 2 will focus on further review of the remaining trails across the citywide park system, including those on properties purchased with funding from the Trails, Open Space and Parks Sales Tax Program (TOPS). Particular attention will be devoted to properties that feature a conservation easement, sensitive wildlife habitat, and other legal or natural resource considerations. PRCS is working closely with the Palmer Land Conservancy to respect both conservation efforts and the responsible expansion of Class 1 e-bikes.

Stay tuned for more updates as we work together towards a safer and enjoyable trail experience for all!

Other Power-Driven Motorized Device (OPDMD)

Request an ADA Accommodation or Service.

Please read the guidance and submit a notification form if you intend to use a motorized device due to a disability if something other than a wheelchair or electric scooter.

  1. OPDMD Guidelines;
  2. OPDMD Notification Form
  3. Contact the Office of Accessibility directly if you have any questions regarding an OPDMD request. Phone: 719-385-5175. Email: