The Tejon Street Revitalization Project is a collaboration between the City of Colorado Springs and the Downtown Partnership’s Downtown Development Authority. The long-term vision for this project is to boost public safety, accessibility and business activity through targeted enhancement of the South Tejon streetscape, from Colorado Avenue to Pikes Peak Avenue.
The project features the following improvements on the two-block segment:
- Wider sidewalk space for pedestrians, including those using wheelchairs and mobility scooters. Recent data from VisitCOS show that 30% of visitors to our region have at least one person in their group with mobility barriers.
- Expanded and uniformly sized outdoor dining space for restaurants.
- Removal of the center lane (currently used by delivery trucks), improving safety by relocating deliveries to new zones on side streets.
- Preservation of diagonal on-street parking once construction is complete.
- Designating short-term parking areas for food-delivery and ride-hail vehicles.
- Planting larger trees and expanding landscape areas for increased aesthetics and to provide increased shade.
Downtown Colorado Springs has experienced a $2.3 billion surge in investment in recent years. These investments mean new hotels, restaurants, retailers and 5,000 new dwelling units. The increased popularity of Historic Tejon Street brings a desire for more outdoor dining space, wider sidewalks and enhanced safety measures.
The cost for project design and construction totals $8.6 million. The funding comes from a $1.6m Revitalizing Main Streets Grant from the Colorado Department of Transportation and the City’s Parking Enterprise. The Downtown Development Authority is also providing funding for the redesign and construction of aesthetic enhancements to “Historic Busy Corner" at the intersection of Tejon Street and Pikes Peak Avenue.
Other Related Plans:
Project Elements
The first phase, Colorado Avenue to Kiowa Street, has been designed with input from downtown businesses and the public through several processes, including the Experience Downtown Masterplan. Construction on the first phase, from Colorado Avenue to Kiowa Street, is expected to begin in late March. Plans include:
- Wider sidewalk space for pedestrians, including those using wheelchairs and mobility scooters. Recent data from VisitCOS reflects that 30% of visitors to our region have at least one person in their group with a mobility issue.
- Expanded and uniformly sized outdoor dining space for restaurants.
- Removal of the center lane (currently used by delivery trucks), improving safety by relocating deliveries to new zones on side streets.
- Preservation of diagonal on-street parking once construction is complete.
- Designating short-term parking areas for food-delivery and ride-hail vehicles.
- Planting larger trees and expanding landscape areas for increased aesthetics and to provide increased shade.
- Enhancing opportunities for extra pedestrian lighting, public art, and seating.
Parking Incentives
Learn about parking incentives to use when accessing South Tejon Street businesses during and after the project. As always, all City-owned garages are $1/hour and free on Sundays.