The North Gate Boulevard Improvements Project will improve the roadway at the Struthers intersection, installing enhanced infrastructure and providing fewer lane changes for motorists. The project will also increase roadway safety and remove conflict points for motorists and pedestrians. Finally, it will provide signalized access to the Western Museum of Mining & Industry property and improve drainage and road conditions.
This area of North Gate Boulevard was recently annexed into the City of Colorado Springs from El Paso County. The drainage conditions in the area resulted in uncontrolled surface stormwater being conveyed onto private property.
The intersection of North Gate and Struthers commonly experiences congestion as heavy traffic navigates between I-25 and Struthers Rd.
Seasonal events and special equipment deliveries at the Western Museum of Mining & Industry cause traffic delays on North Gate Blvd. due to the nature of the access to the property.
Purpose, goals & benefits
This project will appropriately collect, treat, and convey stormwater from the public right-of-way into the City's stormwater system by installing curbs, water quality vaults, pipes, and swales.
The lane configuration will be adjusted to better accommodate vehicles traveling from I-25 into and through the North Gate and Struthers intersection. These intersection improvements will include signing and striping for bicycle and pedestrian users. The existing access to the museum will be relocated to align with Struthers Rd and will be constructed to accommodate the special event traffic.
Funding for this project is primarily provided by developer fees from the area. Pikes Peak Rural Transportation Authority (PPRTA) funding will contribute to the traffic signal work.