Project Background
Help the City prioritize how to invest grant funds for housing and homelessness response.
The City of Colorado Springs Housing and Homelessness Response Department invites residents, advocates and stakeholders to share their experiences and views to inform the City’s 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan and 2025 Annual Action Plan for the use of federal block grant funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and to inform the Fair Housing Plan.
Funds support affordable housing, homelessness prevention, small businesses, nonprofit assistance and neighborhood facilities and infrastructure improvements for low- and moderate-income residents.
Grant fund sources are the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program, HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME), and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program.
Residents are also invited to comment on the updated Citizen Participation Plan that sets forth the City’s policies and procedures by which it encourages local citizens to participate and comment on various housing and community development activities funded through federally funded programs.
How to Participate
Keep an eye out for our short survey on the plans that will be coming soon!
Other Ways to Participate
- Send in your ideas and experiences to inform the City’s planning for support of housing and services. or call Barb Van Hoy at 719-385-5859
- Read and comment on the draft plans during the 30 day public comment period
- Comment during the City Council hearings
Draft Plans
Draft plans (Consolidated Plan & Fair Housing Plan) will be available during the public comment period December 2024-January 2025. Exact dates coming soon!
Meeting Info
Public Input Sessions
Nov. 20, 2024, 6-7 p.m.
In person: City Administration Building Room 102
30 S. Nevada Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Join online with Teams
Meeting ID: 211 766 610 296, Passcode: rfCTE6
Call in (audio only) to (720) 617-3426
Phone Conference ID: 252 317 950#
Nov. 21, 2024, 1-2 p.m.
In person: City Administration Building Room 102
30 S. Nevada Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Join online with Teams
Meeting ID: 265 691 109 220, Passcode: uBuZY2
Call in (audio only) to (720) 617-3426
Phone Conference ID: 161 918 528#